Air Filter For Parrots 5 Things To Know Before Deciding
Living with parrots means introducing hundreds of additional particles into the air as humans and birds go about the daily activities. The feathers and dust are easily seen, but the invisible ones like dander also create problems even though they can't be seen with the human eye.
Filtering the air is a healthy and necessary solution for your parrots and for the humans who live with them. And since all parrots are not created equal in terms of the dust they produce, it is especially important to know how much dust to expect from the birds you have.
Powder down parrots include birds such as African Greys, Cockatoos, and Cockatiels. In addition to the invisible dander that all warm-blooded animals produce, these produce a white powder that helps keeps their wings healthy.
This dust can clog the birds' tiny air passages and can exacerbate chronic respiratory conditions of humans who suffer from allergies and asthma.
But regardless of which type of parrot you love, here are 5 things to know that will help you choose the best purifier to filter the air for your birds.
Continuous Cleaning Is Crucial---Often people think that cleaning the air for a while and then shutting the unit off is effective. This is only effective if the cleaner is really able to significantly reduce the number of particles in the air.
But as soon as you stop filtration, particles are allowed to accumulate in the air again. Even when you resume the cleaning there are more particles present than would be if the cleaning had continued uninterrupted.
So from the time you turn off the unit until an hour or two after the cleaning begins again, air quality is likely to suffer. Intermittent cleaning is better than no cleaning at all, but just barely.
A unit that can run continuously with high revolutions per minute will need a split capacitor motor. Look for it in the technical specifications of the owner's manual.
Required Maintenance Should Be Low---Another way to make sure you get maximum cleaning is to select a purifier whose maintenance does not require frequent interruption of filtration for cleaning, spraying, washing, or recharging the filter.
Instead, opt for a unit that can be maintained by vacuuming the outside while the unit is still running. That means it takes less of your time with zero interruption.
Fresh Air Should Be The Only By-Product---Parrots are very susceptible to gases, odors, and chemicals. The cleaner for your birds should produce only fresh, clean air. Avoid units that produce ionized particles, and any level of ozone. Both these technologies are controversial and could possibly risk the health of you and your pets.
HEPA Filtration Is Effective---This type of technology is used by hospitals to provide clean air. High-efficiency particle arresting filters (often abbreviated as HEPA) are designed to remove 99,997 out of every 10,000 airborne particulates that are .3 microns or greater in size.
This process produces only clean air, and can significantly decrease the number of particles in the air. Nothing will take out all of the particulates, but this filter comes close.
Dual Purpose Filter Allow Your Unit To Multi-Task---Parrots need protection from not only particles but gaseous pollutants as well. And even though particles are a big concern, having a filter that can address gases would mean one cleaner could do it all.
A carbon cloth filter enables a unit to be able to eliminate gases, odors, and noxious chemicals. Because carbon is well known for its ability to remove gaseous pollutants, having a woven filter made of carbon means that its cloth construction traps particles and its carbon base allows it to get rid of gaseous pollutants as well
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